If you are a parent who has a teenager, chances are that your son or daughter has vocalized opinions

teenage rhinoplasty nose job atlanta

This teen gets a nose job that helped her feel more confident.

about their body. On a daily basis teenagers are confronted with the social pressures of fitting in and getting teased about their growing body. These pressures often come from this culture of looking perfect, which is largely because of celebrity idolization and wanting to look just like them.

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is the most common procedure among young adults. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, over 30,600 teenagers had a Rhinoplasty in the US last year. While many people are apprehensive about a teenager getting any form of plastic surgery, Atlanta surgeons have seen the impact a Rhinoplasty can make in younger patients lives.

When a young patient is seriously interested in a nose job, the most important factor is the maturity of the face. A Rhinoplasty can not be performed on a patient unless his or her nose has fully developed because the surgery could affect its natural growth and ultimately alter the results of the surgery. In most cases, boys achieve full facial growth at 14, and 16 years old for girls.

Maturity of the patient is also important because even with all the benefits of a Rhinoplasty, including a boost in self confidence, this surgery will not drastically change their lives and repair low self esteem. Choosing a board certified surgeon who will discuss these factors with your son or daughter is important because the surgeon can talk to them about having realistic expectations about the results. In addition to that, a Rhinoplasty surgeon can determine whether the young patient has the maturity to have plastic surgery.


Rhinoplasty, also known as nose reshaping and nose job, is a plastic surgery procedure for correcting and reconstructing the form, restoring the functions, and aesthetically enhancing the nose, by resolving nasal trauma.
According to the ASPS (American Society of Plastic Surgery) 2012 Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Statistics rhinoplasty was the second most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in the USA last year. Check out this informative infographic provided by a board certified plastic surgeon in Atlanta to learn more about Rhinoplasty.

For those thinking about a rhinoplasty, researching the post-operating recovery process is essential.  Knowing exactly what recovery entails reduces the odds of being dissatisfied with the final outcome and reduces the odds for needing a rhinoplasty revision.  Viewing before and after pictures of other rhinoplasty patients is an excellent way for someone to decide exactly what they want and what to expect after surgery is completed.

The Best Candidates

Rhinoplasty is great for men and women alike, it can enhance your appearance along with your self-confidence without changing your whole appearance. However, there are many aspects to the rhinoplasty procedure that one should know about and speak to their surgeon about before their procedure. The process of a rhinoplasty and your personal expectations are the main concerns. While the process is a simple one, it also comes with some pain and pressure that should be discussed with your surgeon. The best candidates for rhinoplasty, according to a Kansas City practice, are those who are looking for “improvement, not perfection”. Patients should be physically healthy, psychologically stable and realistic in your expectations. Age can also be a consideration as many surgeons prefer not to operate on teenagers until they’ve completed their growth spurt around 14-15 for girls and a little older for boys. Rhinoplasty is also used for reconstructive purposes such as correcting birth defects or breathing problems.

Post-Operation Pain

Recovering from facial plastic surgery is never easy.  There is always some amount of discomfort and pain as well as large amounts of swelling and bruising.  Sometimes patients also report experiencing a “stuffed up” sensation during the first few post-operative days.  The facial plastic surgeon will prescribe antibiotics and pain medication. This is important as it is prudent to get the prescriptions filled prior to surgery so you will feel the minimum amount of pain post-operation.  Patients should take their antibiotics diligently at the right times of day and for the full length of time instructed. Without doing so, infections can occur that will drastically affect your recovery.

Nasal Packing

Patients may or may not have nasal packing put in following a nose job.  If put into place, nasal packing is stuffed inside the nose in order to keep swelling and bleeding to a minimum.  Many rhinoplasty patients say that nasal packing feels like their whole head is being smothered or stuffed up.  The intense sucking sensation can also create a forceful pressure which can be difficult to cope with.  Many plastic surgeons neutralize these problems by inserting a tube inside the nasal packing to help the patient to breathe easier.  In most cases, the nasal packing is then taken out during the first follow-up visit that is scheduled a few days after surgery.

Bruising and Swelling

Applying ice to the affected area(s) often relieves pressure and swelling.  A bag of frozen peas is very helpful because it decreases swelling and eases general discomfort because it can effortlessly mold to facial contours.  It is also suggested that patients keep their head and shoulders elevated during sleep for the week or so immediately following surgery; this helps in relieving any bruising or swelling and reduces the chances of post-operative bleeding.  Your facial plastic surgeon will takes the cast off anywhere from five to seven days following the surgery.  Once the cast has been removed, swelling usually moves down the facial area.  Most patients also wind up with both eyes blacked, so they must prepare themselves for their first postoperative look in a mirror.  The bruising generally decreases or disappears after ten days or so.

Rhinoplasty is Worth the Work

Rhinoplasty is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures. The Kansas City practice states that along with using rhinoplasty for reconstructive purposes, rhinoplasty can also reduce or increase the size of your nose, change the shape of the tip or the bridge, narrow the span of the nostrils or change the angle between your nose and your upper lip. It is also very important to choose the right surgeon for you. Choose a surgeon that will understand your needs and expectations but who will also answer all of your questions to ensure you have the highest understanding of the procedure, process, and post-op. Although there are many qualified surgeons, the most important qualification is to ensure they are board certified. Rhinoplasty can be a very satisfying procedure with the right surgeon, a healthy patient and realistic expectations. Although rhinoplasty recovery can be challenging, the timeless advice that “anything worth having is worth working for” is definitely applicable.  Most rhinoplasty success cases enjoy the lifelong confidence of being able to go through life with their “best face” forward.


Rhinoplasty is also often called a nose job. If you are considering rhinoplasty San Jose, you will want to know how the procedure works. It is a cosmetic surgery and procedure that can change the shape and contours of your nose. There are two different methods of rhinoplasty San Jose including a closed or open technique. The technique used will depend on what you want the overall result to be.

You might want a nose job if you have a wide or large nose, a nasal hump, a wide bridge or bulbous tip or large nostrils. Rhinoplasty San Jose can fix or alter many of these issues. It is generally a cosmetic procedure but it is also often done to repair broken noses and the surgery is sometimes even performed to help with breathing problems.

Rhinoplasty will take anywhere from two and a half to three hours, depending on the surgeon and what is being done. You would be placed under a general anaesthetic and then, an incision would be made in the nostrils. The structure of the nose would be trimmed and sculpted to get the right size and shape and sometimes, the bones might even be broken or removed to narrow the nose. After the work is complete, the original incision is closed and a cast applied.

Recovery from a nose job is more significant than most people think. It is a good idea to stay home for one, possibly even two weeks. You will have to keep your nose splint and cast on for at least a week and you should not exercise or do anything strenuous for a month or a month and a half. You will likely have a significant amount of swelling and large bruises around your nose and under your eyes for a month and the mild swelling can last anywhere from 2 to 6 months. You will likely not see the final results of your surgery until all of the swelling goes down.

The overall result from a good rhinoplasty surgery, however, is an improved nose in either size, shape, or both. For women, the nose might appear more feminine and sexy and the profile will improve quite a bit. For men, the nose should be more proportional to the rest of their face.

There are many risks involved with any type of surgery. With a nose job, patients could have infections, scarring, nosebleeds, a large amount of swelling that lasts in a prolonged manner, deformity and many other items. In order to cut back on the risks, it is best to find a top notch surgeon.

If you are thinking about getting a nose job, make sure you are a good candidate first and then visit with your surgeon. It is never a bad idea to ask questions, even if they seems out of place. Make sure the surgeon has experience in the rhinoplasty field and ask to see before and after pictures of other patients. When it comes to your face, you can never be too careful.